Preserving Personal Values While Growing Company Value
The primary mission at Lionheart Industrial Group is to seek out established companies that require business leadership, capital, or global experience to spur future growth. Often, smaller companies face multiple obstacles to achieving their potential. We take pride in fostering the growth of entrepreneurial and middle-market businesses by strategically guiding them to the next level. We cultivate this growth by applying professional business models from our Lionheart Edge Operating System (LEOSLM) and creating trustworthy partnerships with the companies we acquire.

The Lionheart team works closely with new companies to understand their business. We analyze strengths and weaknesses to assist in formulating a strategy that will propel the company forward.

Lionheart Industrial Group began in 2004 as Lionheart Ventures, the brainchild of CEO David S. Bovenizer. Mr. Bovenizer's passion for business was inherited from his maternal grandfather, Charles V. Shaefer, Jr. and his paternal great grandfather, George W. Bovenizer.
At Lionheart, we welcome new relationships and encourage professionals or private owners to contact us.